

PaddleDTX的四类节点(数据持有节点、存储节点、任务执行节点、区块链节点)均提供了HTTP API接口,供用户调用。


1. 数据持有节点

1.1 文件操作

参数类型和详细说明参考 input.go 文件:

URL Method Param explanation
/v1/file/write POST WriteOptions:user、token、ns、name、expireTime、desc、ext upload file
/v1/file/read GET ReadOptions:user、token、ns、name、file_id、timestamp download file
/v1/file/list GET ListFileOptions:owner、ns、start、end、ctime、limit list the unexpired files
/v1/file/listexp GET ListFileOptions:owner、ns、start、end、ctime、limit list expired but valid files
/v1/file/getbyid GET id(file id) get file by id
/v1/file/getbyname GET owner、ns、name get file by file name and namespace
/v1/file/updatexptime POST UpdateFileEtimeOptions:id、expireTime、ctime、user、token update file's expired time
/v1/file/addns POST AddNsOptions:replica、ns、desc、ctime、user、token add file namespace
/v1/file/ureplica POST UpdateNsOptions:ns、replica、ctime、user、token update file namespace's replica
/v1/file/listns GET ListNsOptions:owner、start、end、limit list namespaces by owner
/v1/file/getns GET name、 owner(dataOwner nodes's public key) get namespace by name
/v1/file/getsyshealth GET owner(dataOwner nodes's public key) get file owner's system health status
/v1/file/listauth GET ListFileAuthOptions:applierPubkey、authorizerPubkey、fileID、status、start、end、limit list file's authorization applications
/v1/file/confirmauth POST ConfirmAuthOptions:status、user、authID、expireTime、token、rejectReason no, the default is "./conf/config.toml"
/v1/file/getauthbyid GET authID query authorization application detail by authID

1.2 节点操作

URL Method Param explanation
/v1/node/list GET list storage nodes
/v1/node/get GET id(storage nodes's public key) get storage node's detail
/v1/node/health GET id(storage nodes's public key) get storage node's health status
/v1/node/getmrecord GET NodeSliceMigrateOptions:id、start、end、limit get storage node migration records
/v1/node/gethbnum GET id、ctime get storage node heartbeat number

1.3 副本保持证明

URL Method Param explanation
/v1/challenge/getbyid GET id(challenge id) get challenge by challenge id
/v1/challenge/toprove GET ListChallengeOptions:owner、node、file、start、end、limit get challenges with status "ToProve"
/v1/challenge/proved GET ListChallengeOptions:owner、node、file、start、end、limit get challenges with status "proved"
/v1/challenge/failed GET ListChallengeOptions:owner、node、file、start、end、limit get challenges with status "Failed"

2. 存储节点

参数类型和详细说明参考 input.go 文件:

2.1 切片操作

URL Method Param explanation
/v1/slice/push POST PushOptions:slice_id、source_id push file's slice
/v1/slice/pull GET PullOptions:slice_id、file_id、timestamp、signature、pubkey pull file's slice

2.2 节点操作

URL Method Param explanation
/v1/node/list GET list storage nodes
/v1/node/get GET id(storage nodes's public key) get storage node's detail
/v1/node/health GET id(storage nodes's public key) get storage node's health
/v1/node/offline POST NodeOperateOptions:node、nonce、token node online
/v1/node/online POST NodeOperateOptions:node、nonce、token node offline
/v1/node/getmrecord GET NodeSliceMigrateOptions:id、start、end、limit get storage node migration records
/v1/node/gethbnum GET id、ctime get storage node heartbeat number

Distributed AI

1. 任务执行节点

如下为任务执行节点对外提供的API接口,接口参数说明参考 task.proto

1.1 任务操作

// Cluster defines communication communication between client and server, and communication between cluster members.
service Task {
    // ListTask is provided by Executor server for Executor client to list tasks with filters.
    rpc ListTask(ListTaskRequest)  returns (FLTasks) {
        option (google.api.http) = {
            post : "/v1/task/list"
            body : "*"
    // GetTaskById is provided by Executor server for Executor client to query a task.
    rpc GetTaskById(GetTaskRequest) returns (FLTask) {
        option (google.api.http) = {
            post : "/v1/task/getbyid"
            body : "*"
    // GetPredictResult is provided by Executor server for Executor client to get prediction result.
    rpc GetPredictResult(TaskRequest) returns (PredictResponse) {
        option (google.api.http) = {
            post : "/v1/task/predictres/get"
            body : "*"
    // StartTask is for Executors to request remote ones to start a task.
    rpc StartTask(TaskRequest) returns (TaskResponse);


DAI底链使用的是的Xuperchain,其提供了http_gateway,用于转发用户的HTTP请求,启动说明参考 http_gateway,支持的API接口参考 xchain.proto


当请求成功,HTTP API返回code值为"0",否则请求失败,失败的code值列表说明如下:

// error code list
const (
    ErrCodeInternal = "10001" // internal error
    ErrCodeParam    = "10002" // parameter error
    ErrCodeConfig   = "10003" // configuration error
    ErrCodeNotFound = "10004" // target not found
    ErrCodeEncoding = "10005" // encoding error

    ErrCodeNotAuthorized = "10006" // not authorized
    ErrCodeAlreadyExists = "10007" // duplicate item
    ErrCodeBadSignature  = "10008" // signature verification failed
    ErrCodeCrypto        = "10009" // cryptography computation error
    ErrCodeExpired       = "10010" // target expired

    ErrCodeReadBlockchain  = "10011" // errors occurred when reading data from blockchain
    ErrCodeWriteBlockchain = "10012" // errors occurred when writing data to blockchain
    ErrCodeAlreadyUpdate   = "10013" // duplicate updating error