Distributed AI
syntax = "proto3";
import "common/common.proto";
package task;
option go_package = "";
// Cluster defines communication communication between client and server, and communication between cluster members.
service Task {
// ListTask is provided by Executor server for Executor client to list tasks with filters.
rpc ListTask(ListTaskRequest) returns (FLTasks);
// GetTaskById is provided by Executor server for Executor client to query a task.
rpc GetTaskById(GetTaskRequest) returns (FLTask);
// GetPredictResult is provided by Executor server for Executor client to get prediction result.
rpc GetPredictResult(TaskRequest) returns (PredictResponse);
// ListTaskRequest is message sent to Executor server to list tasks
message ListTaskRequest {
bytes pubKey = 1; // requester or executor's public key
string status = 2;
int64 timeStart = 3;
int64 timeEnd = 4;
int64 limit = 5;
// DataForTask is a message received from Executor
message DataForTask {
bytes owner = 1; // samples'owner, also dataOwner who confirms executor's authorization application for the use of samples
bytes executor = 2; // executor who process tasks
string dataID = 3; // file id of samples
string PSILabel = 4 ; // psi lable for vertical learning
int64 confirmedAt = 5; // task confirm time
int64 rejectedAt = 6; // task reject time
string address = 7; // host of Executor
bool isTagPart = 8;
// FLTask is a message received from Executor and defines Federated Learning Task based on MPC
message FLTask {
string iD = 1;
string name = 2;
string description = 3;
bytes requester = 4;
repeated DataForTask dataSets = 5;
common.TaskParams algoParam = 6; // fl algorithm related params
string status = 7;
string errMessage = 8;
string result = 9;
int64 publishTime = 10;
int64 startTime = 11;
int64 endTime = 12;
// FLTasks is list of FLTasks received from Executor
message FLTasks {
repeated FLTask fLTasks = 1;
// GetTaskRequest is message sent to Executor server to get a task
message GetTaskRequest {
string taskID = 1;
// PredictResponse is a message received from Executor
message PredictResponse {
string taskID = 1;
bytes payload = 2;