


conf/config-dataowner.toml 文件配置说明如下:

# the type of the running node, can be set with 'dataOwner' or 'storage'.
type = "dataOwner"

#  [dataOwner] defines features of a dataOwner node.
# Define a name of the node, for readability
name = "node1"

# The Address this server will listen on
listenAddress = ":8121"
# Whether to allow cross-domain requests, the default is false, use with caution in the production environment.
allowCros = false

# The private key of the node.
# Different key express different identity.
# Only need to choose one from 'privateKey' and 'keyPath', and if both exist, 'keyPath' takes precedence over 'privateKey'
# privateKey = "5572e2fa0c259fe798e5580884359a4a6ac938cfff62d027b90f2bac3eceef79"
keyPath = "./keys"

publicAddress = ""

    type = "simpleSlicer"
        blockSize = 4194304
        queueSize = 4

    type = "softEncryptor"
        password = "abcdefg"

# The generator of the challenge requests, to check if the file exists on the storage node.
    # Generator's type, can be 'pairing' or 'merkle'.
    type = "pairing"

    # Proof of data Possession based on Bilinear Pairing.
        # Max file slices number when generating pairing based challenge
        maxIndexNum = 5
        sk = "Fudm9gDXNlEdCkieMid1WHIHd9K/M/CctBPlF/4y+AU="
        pk = "B60Vdoq4SVUpVRZf1FM7ImRXo/22q0ZjYMHlaB4HgUXMSsu+2iCrNkk3gROXOUDvB8zWMcBGCnBCAnb6N9WOaBPbKkYWnp/iodp0+GFWvW1DCnAYNV2+vdaFkHaezsqeDqRDsdqV2uG47PTE2xdkljSblWNgKhsHYp7LgCcbBWiMO3TcrzUdq+ETxfIu1Bi7AzSHHAj8oc7toGT0anrO9LPSDcde8rCdsptX5CLH7WvRF0AXrqhX4Mr7i+547qI3"
        # Random Number used by pdb.
        randu = "NA1xy6JCWWc8IB4x1CM4DCoxKTqEele6zqD8kCfuj5s="
        randv = "TV0J8YFWEsybwFdwm3DJvUHXx88YXkzK97Zpvj/tyGc="

    # Proof of data Possession based on Merkle Tree.
        leveldbRoot = "/home/data/challenger"
        shrinkSize = 500
        segmentSize = 5

# Blockchain used by the dataOwner node.
    # blockchain type, 'xchain' or 'fabric'
    type = "xchain"

    # The configuration of how to invoke contracts using xchain. It is necessary when type is 'xchain'.
        mnemonic = "臂 袁 饿 莫 新 棉 骗 矩 巨 愿 稍 造"
        contractName = "dstorage1"
        contractAccount = "XC7142093261616521@dstorage"
        chainAddress = ""
        chainName = "dstorage"

    # The configuration of how to invoke contracts using fabric. It is necessary when type is 'fabric'.
        configFile = "./conf/fabric/config.yaml"
        channelId = "mychannel"
        chaincode = "mycc"
        userName = "Admin"
        orgName = "org1"

# The copier makes backups of files, currently only supports 'random-copier'.
    type = "random-copier"

# The monitor will query new tasks in blockchain regularly, and trigger the task handler's operations
    # Whether to monitor the challenge answer of the storage node.
    challengingSwitch = "on"

    # Whether to monitor the file migration.
    filemaintainerSwitch = "on"
    # unit: hour
    filemigrateInterval = 6

#   [log] sets the log related options
level = "debug"
path = "./logs"


  1. allowCros配置定义了是否允许xdb请求跨域,默认为false,生产环境慎用。
  2. dataOwner.slicer 定义切片大小、文件切分时并行队列数;
  3. dataOwner.encryptor 配置文件及切片加密的初始密钥,系统采取一次一密方式,后续密钥均基于该密钥衍生;
  4. dataOwner.challenger 定义了副本保持证明的算法,支持 'pairing' or 'merkle';
  5. dataOwner.blockchain 定义了节点操作区块链网络所需的配置,当前支持Xchain、Fabric网络;


conf/config-storage.toml 文件配置说明如下:

# The type of the running node, can be set with 'dataOwner' or 'storage'.
type = "storage"

#  [storage] defines features of a storage node.
# Define a name of the node, for readability
name = "node1"

# The Address this server will listen on
listenAddress = ":8122"

# The private key of the node.
# Different key express different identity.
# Only need to choose one from 'privateKey' and 'keyPath', and if both exist, 'keyPath' takes precedence over 'privateKey'
# privateKey = "5572e2fa0c259fe798e5580884359a4a6ac938cfff62d027b90f2bac3eceef79"
keyPath = "./keys"

# The endpoint can be connected by other node, and showed in blockchain.
# If your network mode is 'host', it is the machine's ip and the port in publicAddress in before section.
publicAddress = ""

# Blockchain used by the storage node.
    # blockchain type, 'xchain' or 'fabric'
    type = "xchain"

    # The configuration of how to invoke contracts using xchain. It is necessary when type is 'xchain'.
        mnemonic = "臂 袁 饿 莫 新 棉 骗 矩 巨 愿 稍 造"
        contractName = "dstorage1"
        contractAccount = "XC7142093261616521@dstorage"
        chainAddress = ""
        chainName = "dstorage"

    # The configuration of how to invoke contracts using fabric. It is necessary when type is 'fabric'.
        configFile = "./conf/fabric/config.yaml"
        channelId = "mychannel"
        chaincode = "mycc"
        userName = "Admin"
        orgName = "org1"

# Prover answers challenges from DataOwner to prove that the node is storing the slices
    # local storage path to keep temporary data
    localRoot = "/root/xdb/data/prove"

# The storage mode used by the storage node, currently supports local file system and IPFS.
    # Denotes what mode you choose, `local` or `ipfs`. 
    type = "local"
        # Location of file fragments
        rootPath = "/root/xdb/data/slices"
        # Denotes peers in IPFS cluster
        hosts = [
        # The timeout for requesting IPFS, in milliseconds
        timeout = 5000

# The monitor will query new tasks in blockchain regularly, and trigger the task handler's operations
    # Whether to monitor the challenge requests from the dataOwner node.
    challengingSwitch = "on"

    # Whether to monitor the node's change, such as  HeartBeat etc.
    nodemaintainerSwitch = "on"
    # Interval time of the node maintainer to clear file slice
    fileclearInterval = 24

#   [log] sets the log related options
level = "debug"
path = "./logs"


  1. storage.blockchain 定义了节点操作区块链网络所需的配置,当前支持Xchain、Fabric网络;
  2. storage.prover 用于指定挑战应答时保存临时数据的本地存储路径;
  3. storage.mode 用于指定存储节点的存储方式,当前支持本地文件系统和ipfs方式存储;
  4. storage.monitor 用于存储节点开启心跳检测、配置文件清理时间间隔等;